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Mechanical computing devices used in the Istituto (Nazionale) per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "Mauro Picone"


1 History

The "Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo" M. Picone (IAC) is a major Research Institute in Applied Mathematics of the Italian CNR.
Its history goes back to 1927 when it was founded by Mauro Picone. Since the origin its mission is to develop advanced computational methods -based on a rigorous mathematical approach - to give a numerical affordable solution to problems with strong relevance to science, society and industry.
As obvious consequence, IAC owned a wide variety of mechanical computing devices, from the first Brunsvigas until FINAC, one of two first electronic computers installed in Italy in 1956. In 50es IAC was chosen by UNESCO as siege of his International Computing Center.
Thanks to documents kept in personal Picone's archive, I've been able to built the following tables containing valuable data about almost all machines used in the institute.

2 Brunsviga

Serial N. Model Buy date Price Seller Ceased. Price Note
145545 20 09/01/36 4.800 ITL Lagomarsino
145550 20 09/01/36 4.800 ITL Lagomarsino
146273 20 09/01/36 4.800 ITL Lagomarsino
146274 20 09/01/36 4.800 ITL Lagomarsino
146521 20 09/01/36 4.800 ITL Lagomarsino
146522 20 09/01/36 4.800 ITL Lagomarsino
160192 20 25/01/39 7.500 ITL Lagomarsino
160194 20 25/01/39 7.500 ITL Lagomarsino
161264 20 25/01/39 7.500 ITL Lagomarsino
161265 20 25/01/39 7.500 ITL Lagomarsino 20/05/81 destroyed
161269 20 31/10/39 7.500 ITL Lagomarsino
180663 20 8.800 ITL 20/05/81 destroyed
180664 20 25/04/41 8.800 ITL Lagomarsino 20/05/81 destroyed
180668 20 8.800 ITL 20/05/81 destroyed
181132 20 15/11/41 8.800 ITL Lagomarsino 20/05/81 destroyed
181133 20 15/04/41 8.800 ITL Lagomarsino
229987 20 24/04/50 350.000 ITL Lagomarsino
261742 20 30/09/52 300.000 ITL Conto (Lagomarsino) 20/05/81 destroyed
263065 20 30/09/52 300.000 ITL Conto (Lagomarsino)
182913 13Z 16/04/41 5.200 ITL Lagomarsino
183414 13Z 16/04/41 5.200 ITL Lagomarsino 20/05/81 destroyed
24107 D/1407-E/5 18/05/56 228.800 ITL Brunsviga Italia
106491 dupla
106802 Nova III/18 20/10/34 900 ITL sold to buy Nova-20 #141840
114910 Nova IV 24/03/32 5.000 ITL Lagomarsino Property of Rome University
130802 Nova IVa 23/12/31 5.500 ITL Lagomarsino 20/10/34 sold to buy Nova-20 #141839
141839 nova-20 20/10/34 5.900 ITL Lagomarsino payed 5.000 plus NovaIV 127454
141840 nova-20 20/10/34 5.900 ITL Lagomarsino
127454 Nova-IV 6.500 ITL 20/10/34 900 ITL Sold to Lagomarsino
62766 Trinks 22/02/33 900 ITL Sold to Lagomarsino
67900 ?? Personal Picone property


This is a quite confused chapter. Picone was not satisfied by MADAS's reliability. Machines was often upgraded or changed. Often two descriptive nouns (E.G. XX-DZ and XX-eDLZ) refer to the same serial number.

Model Serial N. Buy date Price Seller Ceased Residual value Note
MADAS Portable XxeD 31036 31/05/33 9.500 ITL Breschi 28/08/34 9.500 ITL Changed with #33017
MADAS portable XX-DZ 33009 30/06/34 9.000 ITL Breschi 11/05/36 9.000 ITL Sold to buy MADAS 33101
MADAS Portable XXeDZ 33017 28/08/34 9.500 ITL Breschi No money – received as change of 31036
MADAS XX-eDZ 33025 13/11/35 Refused because it was unaffordable
MADAS XX-EDLZ 33091 05/07/37 11.000 ITL Levi 18/04/39 7.000 ITL Sold to buy Marchant 10-D
MADAS XX-L 33100 Levi 18/04/39 7.000 ITL Sold to buy Marchant 10-D
MADAS XX-EDLZ 33101 11/05/36 10.500 ITL Levi 18/04/39 7.000 ITL Sold to buy Marchant 10-D

4 Marchant

Serial N. Model Buy date Price Seller Ceased Residual value Note
101480 8-D 01/12/25 8.000 ITL Levi 14/03/36 8.000 ITL Borrowed waiting a 10-D
100771 10-D 14/03/36 9.000 ITL Levi 8-D was given back
103141 10-D 05/07/37 9.000 ITL Levi
120976 10-D 12/05/38 10.600 ITL Levi
124020 10-D 12/05/38 10.600 ITL Levi
124467 10-D 19/04/39 10.600 ITL Levi
124472 10-D 19/04/39 10.600 ITL Levi
124490 10-D 18/04/39 10.600 ITL Levi
124492 10-D 18/04/39 10.600 ITL Levi MADAS #33100 as partial change
124494 10-D 18/04/39 10.600 ITL Levi
124507 10-D 18/04/39 10.600 ITL Levi MADAS #33091 as partial change
124508 10-D 18/04/39 10.600 ITL Levi MADAS #33101 as partial change
307087 10-FA March 1950 428.214 ITL Italcalcolo 20/05/81 destroyed
307115 10-FA March 1950 428.214 ITL Italcalcolo 20/05/81 destroyed
307150 10-FA March 1950 428.214 ITL Italcalcolo 20/05/81 destroyed Saved by a resercher – Still existing
307151 10-FA March 1950 428.214 ITL Italcalcolo 20/05/81 destroyed
307227 10-FA April 1950 428.214 ITL Italcalcolo 20/05/81 destroyed
307277 10-FA March 1950 428.214 ITL Italcalcolo 20/05/81 destroyed
307286 10-FA March 1950 428.214 ITL Italcalcolo 20/05/81 destroyed
307303 10-FA March 1950 428.214 ITL Italcalcolo 20/05/81 destroyed
307318 10-FA March 1950 428.214 ITL Italcalcolo 20/05/81 destroyed
307396 10-FA March 1950 428.214 ITL Italcalcolo 20/05/81 destroyed

5 Monroe

Serial N. Model Buy date Price Seller Ceased. Notes
193017 LA.6/200-C C. Verona Property of Rome University
193864 LA/200 02/03/35 5.000 ITL C. Verona Upgradable to LA.6
193864 LA.6/200 02/03/35 2.000 ITL C. Verona Upgrade to LA.6/200
193902 LA.6/200-C 12/06/35 7.000 ITL C. Verona
205748 LA.6/200 12/06/35 7.000 ITL C. Verona
480833 CAA-10 1949 750 $ Gallo Pomi
480950 CAA-10 1949 750 $ Gallo Pomi
480981 CAA-10 1949 750 $ Gallo Pomi
481034 CAA-10 1949 750 $ Gallo Pomi
481067 CAA-10 1949 750 $ Gallo Pomi
B-121630 CSA-10 24/02/64 525.000 ITL Gallo Pomi Original value $750 – Given as partial payment 2 Thales-DER, the Duconta and the Walther EMDK. Each machine was valued 60,000 ITL
B-121655 CSA-10 24/02/64 525.000 ITL Gallo Pomi
B-121705 CSA-10 24/02/64 525.000 ITL Gallo Pomi
B-307449 CSA-10 24/02/64 525.000 ITL Gallo Pomi

6 Others

Firma Model Serial N. Buy date Price Seller Ceased Residual value Note
Olivetti Divisumma 14 807498 27/04/50 248.000 ITL Olivetti 20/05/81 destroyed
Ducati Duconta LC-2302.2 1454 5.000 ITL 24/02/64 60.000 ITL Sold to buy Monroe CSA-10
Nestler N. 37 Elektro 31/03/41 235 ITL Levi Slide rule
Nestler N. 28 31/03/41 240 ITL Levi Slide rule
Nestler N. 43 – Concrete 31/03/41 240 ITL Levi Slide rule
Nestler N. 23/R3 Rietz 31/03/41 212 ITL Levi Slide rule
Thales DER 32665 19/06/35 3.000 ITL Torrini
Thales DER 33130 18/04/35 3.000 ITL Torrini 24/02/64 60.000 ITL Sold to buy Monroe CSA-10
Thales DER 35007 16/10/35 3.500 ITL Torrini 24/02/64 60.000 ITL Sold to buy Monroe CSA-10
Walther EMDK/16 9497 28/04/36 4.900 ITL De Angelis 24/02/64 60.000 ITL Sold to buy Monroe CSA-10
Mercedes Euklid 26/W 22260 22/02/33 13.000 ITL Lagomarsino Borrowed to Ist. Acustica in 1949
Felt & Tarrant Comptometer J 251308 22/02/33 1.900 ITL Sold to buy Mercedes Euklid

7 Temporary

Machines received for testing purpose or as Replacement of machines needing a long repair work.

Firma Model Serial N. Received Seller Returned Notes
Archimedes 8574 20/10/34 Underwood Italia No data about exact model
Archimedes 8420 01/12/34 Underwood Italia No data about exact model
Triumphator Supra 70971 30/05/36 Underwood Italia
Walther electric 13864 12/11/39 De Angelis No data about exact model
Monroe CST-10 455757 11/03/49 Gallo Pomi Substitute of another machine during manutention
SAIC Athena 291 21/10/39 MUSA 14/03/40
MIRA with back transfer 10405 08/02/34 G. Gambini
Egli MADAS XxeD 31054 Breschi 12/01/34
Egli MADAS XX-eD 31057 17/04/35 Breschi Substitute of another machine during manutention
Egli MADAS XX-eD 31183 17/04/35 Breschi Substitute of 33009 during manutention
Egli MADAS XX-AT 32581 28/04/38 Levi 13/05/38
Egli MADAS ? 33216 19/04/41 ORMAC 05/05/41 Substitute of another machine during manutention
Egli MADAS Touring 42139 Breschi
Marchant EEG-9 23686 26/11/39 Levi