Industria Calcolatrici Scriventi S.p.a.
1 Firmendaten
Vollständiger Name....: Industria Calcolatrici Scriventi S.p.A.Ort, Land.............: Roma, Italien
Factories.............: Borgomanero, Italien
Gründer...............: Guido Carnacina
Gründungsdatum........: 1936
Löschung der Firma....: 1958(?)
Hauptprodukte.........: Rechenmaschinen
2 Firmengeschichte
- Company was funded in 1936 in Milano as Società A.I.A.C.S. (Anonima Italiana Addizionatrici e Calcolatrici Scriventi). Carnacina had 49 shares (over 100) in change of rights on Patent:IT322062
- In November 1937, name changed in SABICA (Società Anonima Brevetti Italiani di Calcolatrici e Addizionatrici). President was charged to sell rights on Patent:IT322062 and Patent:IT345235 and tools for production of Pitagora adding machine.
- In 1938, company moved to Roma and name became INCAS (Industria Nazionale Calcolatrici e Addizionatrici Scriventi).
3 Rechner
Model | Capacity | driver | operations |
Comptograph 60 | 11x11 | electric | addition |
Comptograph 70 | 11x11 | electric | addition, multiplication |
Comptograph 80 | 11x11 | electric | adder, mult., automatic division |
4 Andere Produkte, Reklame
5 Wichtige Personen
5.1 Firmengründer
5.2 Konstrukteure
- Carnacina, Guido
5.3 sonstige Personen
6 Literatur
- L'ufficio d'epoca
- Catalogo Fiera di Milano
7 Weitere Informationen
Trademark Pitagora was registered in Italian Ufficio Brevetti, number 51818.
Trademark ComptOgrapH was filled on May, 7 1951 in Italian Ufficio Brevetti, number 104766.
Industria Calcolatrici Scriventi was present in Fiera di Milano in years 1953, 1955, 1956 and 1957, not in 1958, 1960 and 1961. Other catalogues are not available.
Comptograph had very poor commercial results. But Carnacina's printing mechanism was quoted as author or examinator reference in several other patents (see discussion) and it was used for NCR machines. E.G. in NCR Patent:US3311300 authors wrote: «This particular printing mechanism is the same as that disclosed in United States Patent No. 2,905,382, issued to Guido Carnacina»

- Patent:BE517810 21.01.1955 Carnacina, Guido Industria Calcolatrici Scriventi S.p.a. :
Machine à calculer

- Patent:CH316450 15.10.1956 Carnacina, Guido Industria Calcolatrici Scriventi S.p.a. :
Macchina calcolatrice scrivente

- Patent:SE173563 23.02.1953 Carnacina, Guido Industria Calcolatrici Scriventi S.p.a. di G. Carnacina & C. :

- Patent:US2905382 22.09.1959 Carnacina, Guido Industria Calcolatrici Scriventi S.p.a. :
Ten-key printing multiplying and dividing machine